The Rotary Dunedin Caretaker Group meet up on Thursday, having successfully overcome the technological hurdles that comes with online video meetings! Andy Kilsby, Darrel Robinson, Fiona Nyhof, Peter Gouverneur and Cameron Olsen are the happy group assembled for this, and will continue to meet weekly on Thursdays during the Covid-19 lock down. An update on items discussed:
  • Support to current and former members: A reminder if any of you need help with absolutely anything at all during this time, please let Cameron or one of the Caretaker group members know. We are also reaching out to former members to check if there is anything members can assist with.
  • Assistance to groups in the community supporting the vulnerable: While our ability to help in person is limited right now, the Caretaker group is reaching out to local Food Banks to see what additional financial support is needed at the current time. When clarified, this will be put to the Board and Trustees. Will keep you updated on this.
  • Meals on Wheels: We are recommencing our assistance with Meals on Wheels from next week. During the lock-down period we will be seeking volunteers from the wider Club rather than specific groups. Thank you very much for a fantastic response to the request for volunteers on Thursday. The first roster was full up in less than 12 hours!
  • New Club Meeting Venue: The Caretaker group had a good discussion on the key elements that will factor in to the selection of a new Club Meeting venue.  A short survey will be coming out shortly to all members on these, and this will be followed up with further consultation on more detailed aspects or venues. The key elements identified are: 
    • The timing of meetings
    • Parking
    • Look & feel of venue 
    • Food
    • Location
If you have any further feedback or queries on anything mentioned above, feel free to get in touch with Cameron by email or phone (021 292 2790).